PPP for Perfect Health: Meals, Exercise, and Pleasure

Achieving perfect health revolves around three essential factors: Proper Meals, Proper Exercise, and Pleasure at Heart. Proper Meals at the Right Time Many health issues arise when we stray from having proper meals at the right time. The concept of proper meals is vast and varies based on season, age, health status, individual prakriti (constitution),… Continue reading PPP for Perfect Health: Meals, Exercise, and Pleasure

Understanding Pitta: The All-Important Fire Element in Ayurveda

Introduction In Ayurveda, the ancient form of holistic healing, the Doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are said to represent the basic understanding of human health. Amongst these, Pitta has been termed as the element of fire that maintains the heat of the body and the biological fire of metabolism. This blog unravels the nature of Pitta, how… Continue reading Understanding Pitta: The All-Important Fire Element in Ayurveda

Tinnitus (Ringing in ears): Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies

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Have you ever experienced that annoying ringing in your ears when there’s actually no sound around you? That, my friend, is what we call Tinnitus. It’s like your ears have their soundtrack, except it’s not pleasant.   Sometimes, it’s a buzz, a hum, or even a high-pitched ring, and it can happen in one or… Continue reading Tinnitus (Ringing in ears): Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies

Sore Throat: Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Treatments

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You know that annoying, scratchy feeling in the back of your throat? That’s a sore throat for you. It can really make swallowing a chore, and even talking can feel like a bit of a struggle. Most of the time, it’s just a viral thing – think common cold or the flu – and thankfully,… Continue reading Sore Throat: Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Treatments

Knee Pain | Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies (with Panchakarma Procedures)

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Imagine waking up every day to a world where your every step is smooth, effortless, and free of pain. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Especially when knee pain, a troublemaker hiding in plain sight, can turn even the simplest activities into challenges.   Here’s where Ayurveda, an age-old treasure trove of knowledge, steps in. It’s not… Continue reading Knee Pain | Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies (with Panchakarma Procedures)

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Fall: Remedies for Re-Growth & Control Hair Loss


In the era of heightened social consciousness, individuals increasingly prioritise their physical appearance, emphasising maintaining a healthy and well-groomed persona. Central to this image is the importance of lustrous and abundant hair, as it significantly contributes to one’s overall presentation in society.    Hair fall, however, has become a common concern for many, challenging the… Continue reading Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Fall: Remedies for Re-Growth & Control Hair Loss

Kati Vasti: An Ayurvedic Healing Practice for Back Pain Relief

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Our daily routines often put a lot of strain on our backs, which can result in troublesome backaches. While there are various herbal remedies available, they might not always provide quick relief. In such cases, the Kati Vasti procedure can be quite helpful. Think of it as a superhero for your lower back.  Overview of… Continue reading Kati Vasti: An Ayurvedic Healing Practice for Back Pain Relief

8 Effective Ayurvedic Nighttime Rituals for Better Sleep

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In our fast-paced lives, finding it difficult to sleep is a common issue, often caused by underlying stress and a restless mind. Fortunately, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic wellness, offers a wealth of timeless wisdom to help you achieve a peaceful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.    Ayurvedic doctor and Ayurvedic Masters owner, Dr… Continue reading 8 Effective Ayurvedic Nighttime Rituals for Better Sleep

5 Yoga Poses to Fight Seasonal Allergies

5 Yoga Poses to Fight Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can be a real buzzkill, especially when you want to enjoy the beauty of nature during spring and fall. The sneezing, itching, and congestion can put a damper on your outdoor adventures. While medications can provide relief, they often come with unwanted side effects. Thankfully, there’s a natural and holistic approach to combating… Continue reading 5 Yoga Poses to Fight Seasonal Allergies

Can Probiotics Improve Your Mood? Unveiling the Gut-Brain Connection

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In the grand quest for wellness, it’s no secret that a nutritious diet plays a starring role. Yet, in the mystical world of science, a captivating tale unfolds – one that explores the magic of probiotics. These tiny living warriors, friendly bacteria that happily reside in your gut, have intrigued researchers with whispers of improved… Continue reading Can Probiotics Improve Your Mood? Unveiling the Gut-Brain Connection