5 foods to manage high sugar

5 Ayurveda-approved Foods to Manage High Blood Sugar in Diabetics


In today’s fast-paced world, where processed foods and sugary treats often take centre stage, managing high blood sugar levels has become a pressing concern for many individuals, especially those living with diabetes. While modern medicine offers a range of treatments and medications to help control blood sugar, there’s a time-tested, holistic approach to managing this condition that has been practised for centuries – Ayurveda.


Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago, emphasises the importance of balance in the body and mind. It offers a unique perspective on managing high blood sugar by incorporating natural remedies and dietary adjustments that can complement modern medical treatments. 


In this blog, we will explore five Ayurveda-approved foods that can play a crucial role in helping diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels. From the aromatic spices that fill your kitchen to the vibrant fruits and vegetables that adorn your plate, Ayurveda offers a wealth of wisdom when it comes to making food choices that can positively impact your blood sugar. 


So, let’s embark on a journey into the world of Ayurvedic nutrition and discover how incorporating these foods into your diet can be a delicious and beneficial way to manage high blood sugar levels.


Diabetes and Herbs

Diabetes is a widespread health issue impacting millions of people globally. The rise in diabetes cases is particularly alarming in India, where there has been a 44% increase in just four years, affecting over 100 million individuals. To address this growing concern, it’s crucial to explore alternative treatments that can complement conventional medical approaches. 


In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise and proper nutrition, Ayurvedic herbs offer a promising avenue for improving blood sugar control and enhancing the overall quality of life for those with diabetes. 


Dr. Udit Lakhanpaul, the owner of Ayurvedic Masters, explains, “Ayurveda, a centuries-old system of medicine originating in India, provides a comprehensive approach to managing diabetes. Ayurvedic herbs have gained recognition for their potential to regulate blood sugar levels and can be valuable additions to conventional therapies.”


Here, we’ll introduce you to a list of Ayurvedic herbs that can naturally help manage diabetes.


Ayurvedic Herbs to Manage Diabetes



      1. Bitter Melon (Karela): A Natural Ally Against Diabetes

    Bitter Melon, also known as Karela, is a unique green vegetable with a distinct bitter taste. It has been a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for its remarkable anti-diabetic properties.






        • Blood Sugar Regulation: Bitter Melon contains a natural insulin-like compound called polypeptide-p, which helps lower and regulate blood sugar levels. 

        • Improved Glucose Utilisation: It aids in better glucose utilisation in the body, preventing spikes in blood sugar. 

        • Stimulates Insulin: Bitter Melon stimulates the secretion of insulin, supporting the management of diabetes. 

      • Diabetes Management: Incorporating Bitter Melon into your diet can be an effective and natural way to help manage diabetes and its associated symptoms.


          1. Jamun (Indian Blackberry/Black Plum)

        Dr Udit states, “Jamun, also known as Indian blackberry or black plum, offers remarkable hypoglycemic effects, making it a powerful ally in the battle against high blood sugar.” 


        Key Components:


        Anthocyanins, Ellagic Acid, and Polyphenols: Jamun contains bioactive compounds like these that play a pivotal role in lowering blood sugar levels. 




        Benefits for Diabetes Management:


            • Blood Sugar Regulation: Consuming jamun or its juice can help regulate blood glucose levels, promoting better control. 

            • Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity: Jamun can improve insulin sensitivity, making your body’s response to insulin more effective. 

            • Reduced Risk of Complications: Regular consumption of jamun can lower the risk of diabetic complications. 

          • Dietary Fibre: Its high dietary fibre content slows down the absorption of sugar, further supporting glycemic control. 

          Including jamun in your balanced diet can be an effective and natural way to manage diabetes and its associated challenges.



              1. Giloy

            Giloy, also known as “Amrita” in Ayurveda, offers promising benefits in managing diabetes by addressing various aspects of this condition.


            Hypoglycemic Effects:


                • Giloy stimulates the secretion of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

              • It enhances insulin sensitivity, making your body’s response to insulin more efficient.


              Anti-Inflammatory Properties:


                  • Giloy’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation, a common issue in diabetes.

                • Reduced inflammation can further improve insulin sensitivity, contributing to better blood sugar regulation.

                Antioxidant Power:


                    • This herb is rich in antioxidants, which protect pancreatic beta cells—the cells responsible for insulin production.

                  • By counteracting oxidative stress, Giloy helps safeguard these cells from damage, promoting better overall pancreatic health.

                  Incorporating Giloy into your diabetes management plan can provide valuable additional support. It aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and contributes to overall well-being.


                  For individuals looking for a natural approach to complement their diabetes management, Giloy can be a valuable addition to their routine, offering holistic support in the quest for stable blood sugar and improved health.



                      1. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

                    Dr. Udit highlights the remarkable properties of Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, as a potent Ayurvedic herb with many health benefits, including its positive impact on blood sugar regulation.


                    Key Nutrients:



                        • Vitamin C: Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, which plays a vital role in overall health.

                      • Antioxidants: It is packed with antioxidants that contribute to its therapeutic properties.


                      Benefits for Diabetes:



                          • Pancreatic Function: Amla supports improved pancreatic function, aiding in better insulin secretion.

                          • Enhanced Insulin Production: It helps enhance insulin secretion, a critical factor in blood sugar regulation.

                          • Oxidative Stress Reduction: Amla’s antioxidants protect against oxidative stress, which can harm pancreatic cells.

                        • Inflammation Control: It also assists in reducing inflammation, a common factor associated with diabetes.

                        Including Amla in your diet can support blood sugar control and overall well-being.

                        Its combination of vital nutrients and antioxidants makes it a valuable addition to your diabetes management plan.


                        Embrace the power of Amla, a natural remedy that not only supports blood sugar regulation but also brings a host of other health benefits to your daily life.



                            1. Fenugreek (Methi)

                          Fenugreek, commonly known as Methi, is another Ayurvedic herb that significantly promotes healthy blood sugar levels and overall well-being, as highlighted by Dr Udit.


                          Key Components:



                            • Saponins and Fibres: Fenugreek contains saponins and dietary fibres that contribute to its therapeutic properties.


                            Benefits for Diabetes Control:



                                • Blood Sugar Regulation: Fenugreek helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugar in the digestive system.

                                • Improved Insulin Function: It can enhance insulin sensitivity, making insulin more effective in controlling blood sugar.

                                • Lowered Glycemic Index: Fenugreek has a low glycemic index, making it an excellent addition to a diabetic diet.

                              • Reduced Cholesterol: It may also help lower cholesterol levels, benefiting heart health.

                              Including Fenugreek in your daily routine can provide valuable support for managing diabetes and promoting overall health. Its unique combination of saponins, fibres, and other compounds makes it a natural ally in your diabetes management plan.


                              Discover the potential of Fenugreek as a natural and effective way to maintain stable blood sugar levels while reaping additional health benefits for your body.




                              In a world where high blood sugar levels are an increasingly prevalent concern, Ayurveda offers a time-tested and holistic approach to complement modern medical treatments. This blog has explored five Ayurveda-approved foods and herbs that play crucial roles in helping individuals manage their blood sugar levels naturally.


                              Let’s recap the key takeaways:


                              1. Bitter Melon (Karela): This unique vegetable aids blood sugar regulation with its natural insulin-like compound, making it a valuable addition to a diabetic diet.


                              2. Jamun (Indian Blackberry/Black Plum): Rich in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, Jamun promotes blood sugar control, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces diabetic complications.


                              3. Giloy (Amrita): With its hypoglycemic effects, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidants, Giloy provides comprehensive support for maintaining stable blood sugar levels and pancreatic health.


                              4. Indian Gooseberry (Amla): Amla’s high vitamin C and antioxidant content support pancreatic function, enhance insulin production and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, all contributing to better blood sugar control.


                              5. Fenugreek (Methi): Fenugreek’s saponins, dietary fibres, and low glycemic index make it a powerful ally in regulating blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity, and even benefiting heart health.


                              By incorporating these Ayurveda-approved foods and herbs into your daily routine, you can take a proactive step toward managing diabetes naturally. Remember that while these natural remedies can be beneficial, they should complement, not replace, conventional medical treatments. 


                              Consult with an Ayurvedic specialist to create a comprehensive diabetes management plan tailored to your unique needs and enjoy the benefits of a holistic approach to your well-being.



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