About Us

Welcome to Ayurvedic Masters!

Ayurvedic Masters is the culmination of a long-standing family tradition dedicated to the field of medicine. For generations, our family has been passionately serving humanity, upholding the principles of Ayurveda since 1888.

At Ayurvedic Masters, we proudly share our family’s legacy with you. Our commitment to healthcare and the well-being of individuals has inspired us to create this platform. Our goal is to provide a gateway to the world of Ayurveda, allowing you to explore its principles and benefits. Our website strives to bring our expertise and knowledge of Ayurveda to the world.

Our team is composed of experienced practitioners who are passionate about Ayurveda and its potential to enhance lives. By embracing Ayurveda’s principles and incorporating its time-tested practices into your life, you can unlock the potential for lasting health and vitality. 



  •  Our journey commenced in 1888, led by the visionary and scholarly Hakim Ram Saran Dass, an expert in herbal medicine. His exceptional skills in pulse reading and personalised treatments gained him widespread recognition, even attracting members of royal families seeking his care.
  • Following in his footsteps, Hakim Hari Mitter further solidified our family’s prominence with his mastery of single herb usage, earning great acclaim for his remarkable ability to cure various ailments.
  • Dr. N.K. Lakhanpaul, after receiving a gold medal from Tibbia College Lahore, introduced personalised formulations to cater to individual patients. His academic pursuits led him to obtain a Doctorate in Political Science from Punjab University in 1962, showcasing his commitment to both traditional medicine and intellectual growth


Today, our esteemed team is led by 

  • Dr. Rajesh Lakhanpaul is a highly experienced Ayurvedic physician with over 38 years of practice. Driven by Ayurvedic principles, he provides patient-centric care, considering factors such as individuality, geographical features, seasonal changes, and the state of Dosha. Dr. Rajesh has expanded our treatment offerings to include Ayurvedic therapies and Panchakarma, integrating them seamlessly into our regimens. He is not only a prolific author, having already published one book with a second in progress, but he is also actively involved in managing various educational institutions and local healthcare centres.
  • Dr. Udit Lakhanpaul specialises in treating chronic ailments and emphasises the role of Anupan in achieving swift results. With extensive experience in handling emergencies, he ensures comprehensive care for patients in critical situations. He is actively engaged in performing a wide range of Panchakarma procedures, prioritising the holistic health and well-being of his patients.
  • Dr. Aakriti has dedicated her expertise to gynaecology and skin care through Ayurveda. As a compassionate guide, she educates patients on the significance of hygiene, a balanced diet, and maintaining a harmonious and tranquil mind as integral aspects of energetic ailment treatment.

At Ayurvedic Masters, we are honoured to share our family’s expertise and contribute to your exploration of Ayurveda.

A diverse group of individuals found themselves drawn to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. We may not be renowned gurus, but our personal experiences have ignited a profound connection to the transformative power of Ayurveda.